Inquiry and thought-leadership

Group photo at Africa Charter launch
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Our latest papers (all open access) are:

Decentering Coloniality: Epistemic Justice, Development Studies and Structural Transformation

Author: Eyob Balcha Gebremariam, Research Associate, Perivoli Africa Research Centre, University of Bristol, UK

Beyond ‘equitable partnerships’: the imperative of transformative research collaborations with Africa

Authors: Isabella Aboderin, Director, Perivoli Africa Research Centre, University of Bristol, UK; Eyob Balcha Gebremariam, Research Associate, Perivoli Africa Research Centre, University of Bristol, UK; Divine Fuh, Director, Institute for Humanities in Africa, University of Cape Town, SA, and Puleng Segalo, Chief Albert Luthuli Research Chair, University of South Africa, SA

Beyond Tinkering: Changing Africa’s Position in the Global Knowledge Production Ecosystem 

Authors: Eyob Balcha Gebremariam, Research Associate, Perivoli Africa Research Centre, University of Bristol, UK; Isabella Aboderin, Director, Perivoli Africa Research Centre, University of Bristol, UK; Divine Fuh, Director, Institute for Humanities in Africa, University of Cape Town, SA, and Puleng Segalo, Chief Albert Luthuli Research Chair, University of South Africa, SA

Thought-leadership and more

PARC, together with partners, undertakes conceptual, theoretical and empirical analyses to:

  • Better understand the multiple layers of power imbalances in the production of scientific knowledge that disadvantage the continent and constrain global scholarship.
  • Develop rationales and directions for transformative collaborations and wider change to redress the imbalances.

Our main activity in this area is the Africa Charter.

Small talks for big change

A series of six 30-minute sessions to discuss power imbalances in research collaborations and build a supportive global network of researchers.