From Côte d’Ivoire to the UK – joining Bristol’s research community
The first scholar on PARC’s PhD student mobility scheme, in collaboration with the Partnership for Skills in Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology - Regional Scholarship and Innovation Fund (PASET-RSIF) and the Cabot Institute, has arrived in Bristol and met...

A view from the Global East
A visit to Bangkok Valuing Voices is an equitable research partnerships tool that was developed jointly by Mahidol University and the University of York with funding from the Wellcome Trust. In early December, PARC Manager Susan Jim was at the “Valuing Voices for...

Towards a Theory of Change
In late November, PARC's Isabella Aboderin, Susan Jim and Eyob Balcha Gebremariam went to Accra, Ghana, to join together with other stakeholders of the Africa Charter and work towards a Theory of Change. The aim was to construct this using a hybrid Theory of Change...

The Africa Charter in Brussels – films and photos
On 6th and 7th November 2024, we ran a workshop in Brussels, convened jointly by the University of Bristol and the Coimbra Group Global Partnerships Working Group, with the support of the University of Bergen, to present and discuss the Africa Charter for...

Doing the rounds at ASAUK
Developing thought around the Africa Charter at ASAUK24 At this conference, which also celebrated the 60th anniversary year of the African Studies Association of the UK (ASAUK), PARC convened four roundtable discussions on the Africa Charter, each with a different...