We are delighted to be welcoming ten new signatories to the Africa Charter, primarily from Guinea-Bissau.
The institutions, a mixture of universities, NGOs and other agencies, signed up to the principles of the Charter at the Bissau-Guinean conference on Transformative Research collaboration (Congresso Bissau-Guineense de Colaborações transformadoras de pesquisa), held on 14th December in Guinea-Bissau.
We are very grateful to Professor Carolin Overhoff Ferreira of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) and Dr José Lingna Nafafé of the University of Bristol for running this conference, and also for speaking about the Africa Charter on a popular Bissau-Guinean radio programme.
The new signatories to the Charter are mainly based in the City of Bissau (Guinea-Bissau):
African signatories
Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisa (INEP)
Escola Nacional de Administração (ENA)
Universidade Amilcar Cabral (UAC)
University Jean Piaget da Guiné-Bissa
Organização para Defesa e Desenvolvimento das Zonas Húmidas (ODZH)
University Lusófona da Guiné-Bissau
Escola Superior de Educação – Unidade Tchico Té
European signatories
If your institution is committed to equitable and transformative research collaborations between Africa and the global North, read more about the Africa Charter and get involved.