
Group photo at Africa Charter launch
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A place for discussion

PARC will provide a space, virtual and physical, for scholars, students and all those within the University of Bristol, in Bristol’s black communities and more widely in the UK, the continent and beyond who are working on, or interested in African issues to come together. Through the convening of discussion forums, seminars and guest lectures PARC will support and stimulate critical debate on questions regarding Africa-global North research relations, global science futures and the roles of Universities in shaping these.

Re-imagining UK Education Research Partnerships in the South: Prospects for Mutual and Equitable Relationships

Bringing together representatives from universities, research centres and associations working in the education space, this webinar sought to promote dialogue and understanding around the questions: What, if anything, can be done to redress inequities within UK-funded international education research partnerships? And, what in particular are the responsibilities of UK-based researchers?

The event was divided into three sections:

  1. Evidence and experiences of challenges and inequities
  2. Strategies and plans (including launch of the TESF Background Paper Mobilising capacities for Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures: Opening spaces for collaborative action and learning)
  3. Roundtable discussion of issues and next steps


View webinar resources